5G intelligent edge computing gateway brings changes to environmental monitoring

The 5G Industrial IoT edge computing intelligent gateway EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI launched by Guangzhou Zhiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. combines the advantages of 5G and edge computing technologies to provide efficient and flexible solutions for environmental monitoring.

Environmental monitoring, as the focus of global attention, has been seeking technological breakthroughs to improve its efficiency and accuracy. With the rise of 5G and edge computing, we are witnessing a technological change from the center to the edge, which brings unprecedented opportunities for environmental monitoring.

Most traditional environmental monitoring systems are based on centralized architecture. This means that all data, no matter where it originates, needs to be transferred to a central server for processing and analysis. This not only increases the time and cost of data transmission, but may also result in data loss due to network delays or interruptions. In addition, the central server can become a bottleneck, limiting the scalability and responsiveness of the system.

5G technology provides high-speed, low-latency network connections, allowing data to be transmitted in real time. Edge computing allows data to be processed where it is generated, reducing the need for data transmission. The 5G Industrial IoT edge computing intelligent gateway EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI launched by Guangzhou Zhiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. combines the advantages of these two technologies to provide an efficient and flexible solution for environmental monitoring.

1. Master of data collection and transmission

EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI has 6 channels of RS485, 2 channels of CAN, 4 channels of ADC, 8 channels of isolated DO, 8 channels of isolated DI, and 2 channels of Gigabit Ethernet. Through rich communication interfaces, it can communicate with commonly used in environmental monitoring For example, air samplers, particulate matter monitoring instruments, water quality analysis instruments, soil moisture and thermometers, sound level meters and other modules are directly or indirectly connected to collect and transmit data to a central server or cloud platform in real time. This not only ensures the real-time nature of the data, but also greatly improves the accuracy of the data.

2. Real-time analysis and response

Thanks to its RK3568 processor, EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI has reliable data processing capabilities. When certain key parameters are detected to be outside the normal range, it can immediately perform real-time analysis and issue an alarm or coordinate with other equipment, such as starting an air purifier or adjusting the emission system, to achieve a quick response.

3. Perfect combination of cloud and edge

EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI supports multiple cloud platforms, such as Zhiyuan ZWS Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc., enabling collaborative work between the cloud and the edge. This means that whether it is data storage, analysis or sharing, you can freely switch between the cloud and the edge to meet different application needs.

4. Industrial grade stability

In the field of environmental monitoring, stability is key. EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI has an operating temperature range of -40°C ~ +70°C and can adapt to various harsh environments to ensure long-term stable operation.

5. Openness and compatibility

EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI supports a variety of industrial protocols, such as Modbus TCP/RTU, OPC UA, etc., making it easy to integrate into existing environmental monitoring systems, providing convenience for system upgrades.

The technological change from center to edge has opened up a new path for environmental monitoring. With more application cases, we have reason to believe that EPCM3568B-LI/EPCM3568C-LI 5G Industrial Internet of Things edge computing intelligent gateway will play a role in the field of environmental monitoring. greater effect.